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The Myths of Romantic Love: Exploring the Fantasy in Netflix Series.

Writer: Joneill O. Martínez GraciaJoneill O. Martínez Gracia

Romantic love is a concept that has been romanticized and perpetuated through literature, film and, more recently, television series. Netflix, a popular streaming platform, has contributed significantly to the propagation of certain romantic love myths that, while entertaining, can distort our perception of real relationships. In this blog, we will explore four romantic love myths present in some of Netflix's most watched series: love at first sight in "You," the better half in "The Crown" and "Sex Education," idealized love in "Bridgerton," and emotional meltdown in "Emily in Paris."

The Myth of Love at First Sight in "You".

The series "You" presents a captivating but dangerous narrative about love at first sight. Joe Goldberg, the protagonist, becomes instantly obsessed with women he considers his love interests, believing that their immediate connection justifies his obsessive and controlling behavior. This myth suggests that an instant attraction can be the foundation of a deep and meaningful relationship, ignoring the importance of mutual acquaintance and the gradual building of trust. In reality, love at first sight may be more of a physical or chemical attraction than a solid foundation for a lasting, healthy relationship.

The Half-Orange Myth in "The Crown" and "Sex Education".

The myth of the better half involves the belief that each person has a perfect "other half" who will complete them. In "The Crown," the relationship between Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip is often presented as fated and complementary, despite the real difficulties and tensions they face. In "Sex Education," we see characters like Otis and Maeve searching for that perfect person who understands them completely. This myth can be harmful, as it suggests that we are not complete on our own and that we need another person to feel complete. In real life, healthy relationships are based on two complete individuals supporting each other, not emotional dependency.

The Myth of Idealized Love in "Bridgerton."

"Bridgerton," with its Regency high society setting, presents an idealized, romantic love that often ignores the real challenges of relationships. Characters fall in love through furtive glances and fancy dances, creating a vision of love that is passionate but unrealistic. This myth of idealized love can lead to unrealistic expectations in real relationships, where differences and conflicts are natural and necessary for mutual growth. Instead of seeking unattainable perfection, it is important to accept and work with the imperfections that all relationships have.

The Myth of Emotional Fusion in "Emily in Paris".

In "Emily in Paris," the protagonist experiences emotional fusion with her love interests, where her identity and happiness become completely intertwined with the relationship. This myth suggests that couples should share all emotions and experiences, leaving little room for individuality. However, a healthy relationship requires a balance between emotional connection and personal independence. Emotional fusion can lead to codependency, where one person's identity is lost in the relationship, which can be detrimental to both individuals.

Netflix series, with their captivating plots and intriguing characters, can be a source of entertainment and escapism. However, it is crucial to recognize the romantic love myths they perpetuate and how they can influence our expectations and behaviors in real relationships. Love at first sight, the better half, idealized love and emotional fusion are concepts that, while romantic on screen, can distort our understanding of love and healthy relationships. By debunking these myths, we can foster more realistic, balanced and fulfilling relationships in our lives.

At the end of the day, true love is an ongoing process of growth, understanding and commitment, far deeper and more rewarding than any TV fantasy.



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